Agency Name Tree of Life Center US.
Categories Addiction,Animals,Arts & Culture,Children/Youth,Education,Environment & Nature,Hunger & Homelessness,International,Medical & Wellness,Mental Health,Women
Contact Name
Agency Email
Agency Address 686 Harshaw Road Box 778 Patagoina, AZ 85624
Agency Phone (866) 394-2520
Web Address,
Office Hours M-F 9am-4pm Arizona Standard time
Distance from Campus Southeast Arizona
Nearest Bus Lines Greyhound drops off 20 miles away from our retreat
Mission Statement The Tree of Life Foundation and Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center serve to hold the energy of inspiration, holistic health, and peace with the mind, body, family, community, all cultures, the living planet, and the divine. We intend to live as a living beacon of conscious community, and an inspirational-education workshop center for personal growth, physical rejuvenation, organic vegan farming, intimacy, and spiritual liberation. Based on 182 acres of native grassland surrounded by the Coronado National Forest, 1 mile from the artist community of Patagonia, Arizona. Our service is an oasis for awakening. We are deeply committed to providing experiences and empowering people to apply that experience of “awakened normality” back into their lives. The Tree of Life Foundation mission is to be an oasis of awakening on every level and provide a direct experience of a quality of life that is healing to oneself and to the planet, through pure reliable agriculture, personal health, emotional well-being, and spiritual vitality.
Volunteer Duties The Seva position within the Tree of Life plant-source only live food spiritual community can be an intense spiritual journey of commitment, intimacy and transformation. Seva means selfless service and is an opportunity to engage in karma yoga (“discipline of action”) in the context of a spiritual community setting.

Organic Vegan Farming and Gardening Assistant; Sprouting Greenhouse Assistant; Live Food Cafe Assistant including dishes, cleaning, and guest service; Seva in housekeeping, construction, and maintenance. Office assistance with data, files. Outreach assistance. 
Those seriously interested in deepening their spiritual life in an ashram (spiritual community) environment, and who embrace the commitments of the Seva Program, which requires all participants to attend a minimum of four evening meditations per week on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. 
For more information, please visit the website.
Notes Updated 6/29/18